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The weight room is open Monday and Wednesday this week from 3:00-4:00.

Attention Creekers!  Carnations are being sold tomorrow, Wednesday & Thursday during both lunches for Valentine’s Day!  Cost is $1.00

Hey Lancers!  Friday is Valentine’s Day!  To get ready for it, we’re going to have a spirit week!
Tomorrow is an Olympic “Red, White and Blue” Day! Support our winter athletes in Sochi!
Wednesday is “Dress Up” Day!  Lets dress up and make it classy, Bullock Creek!
Thursday is “Red, White and Pink” Day!  Get in the spirit of Valentine’s Day!
There will be prizes for participation!  Let’s get rid of the winter doldrums…let’s see your winter spirit!

Hey all you Lancer Lovers!  Have you been bitten by the love-bug this Valentine’s season?  Do you want a totally sweet way to show the people you love that you’re thinking of them?  Then buy a Valentine’s Day Candy Gram!  The best part?  They’re only 50 cents and all proceeds go to providing local residents with heat during these frigid, blustery, winter months.  Stop by during lunches through Wednesday this week to purchase a tasty treat for a good cause!

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