Attention 7th & 8th Grade Boys and Girls! Track and Field sign up is in the office and in the hallway near rooms 111 and 113. You need to have a physical on file before the first practice on April 7. If you have any questions, please see Miss Meyer or Mrs. LeBoeuf-Brown. Information forms are in the office.
Art Club Afterschool Program by Midland Center for the Arts starts March 18th, sign up in the office. Art club will be on Tuesday & Thursdays from 2:30-4PM. $20 material fee with scholarships available. Limited to the first 15 students to sign up.
Student Council will be having a meeting during first hour on Wednesday in Mrs. Willsie’s room #312.
“Congratulations to the eighth grade art students who participated in the 41st Annual Snow Sculpture Contest in downtown Midland last Thursday. The team of Lila Granroth, Hannah Leudtke, Grace Ross and Lexi Searfoss got an Honorable Mention for their sculpture. The team of Parker Fitzgerald, Brennan Mudd, Travis Plessner and Nate Tomalia took Second place in the Middle School category with their sculpture. Great work Lancer artists!”
Lunch tomorrow: Mac & Cheese or Chips & Cheese or Pizza, green beans, carrot sticks, red pepper slices, sherbet cups, fresh fruit and milk.
Weekly Reminders 2H on Tuesday’s in Mr. Laughner’s Room and on Thursday’s in Mrs. Rinn’s Room, Popcorn on sale during lunch on Thursdays.