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Mock Interview Day is Wednesday.  Please make sure everything is turned in to Mrs. Flaminio TODAY.
Black & Gold Card Day is Thursday.  Be sure to bring you card to lunch and receive a free cookie!
Juniors interested in Co-oping at Dow Chemical should apply online ASAP.  The deadline is fast approaching.
Have you ordered your yearbook yet?  NOW is the time!  Any student who places an order before spring break will be eligible for a drawing for great prizes, including gift cards for gas, Tropical Smoothie, and other great places around Midland!  Pick up a form at lunch, in the office, or see a yearbook staff member or Mrs. Discher to order your yearbook today!  The cost is $60 and checks can be made payable to Bullock Creek High School.
The cheerleading end-of-season banquet will be this Friday, the 28th from 5-6 pm in the cafeteria. You will need to bring every piece of your uniform in a bag with your name on it.
NHS Members:  Blood Drive volunteers are needed for Friday, March 21st.  This is during the school day.  Contact Danielle Arndt for sign ups ASAP!


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