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March 7, 2014 PRINCIPAL



I know talking about the weather is getting old.  However, we are excited for temperatures in the 30 degree range.  So far this year, we have had 24 days of indoor recess.  This is the equivalent of about five or six years combined!  In addition, we have not even hit the rainy season, yet!


I want to thank all of you who were able to attend our recent Parent Teacher Conferences.   We always look forward to the opportunity to sit down and discuss student learning.


Please mark your calendar with the following dates:

March 10:      2014-15 Nature Kindergarten Round Up Meeting @ 6:30 p.m.

March 14:      No school for students due to Professional Development

March 17:      Pine River Box Tops Contest begins

Report Cards will be sent home

March 21:      The last movie night of the season is upon us!  Disney’s FROZEN will be featured

in the BCHS Auditorium and the movie will be projected in High Definition at 7:00 p.m.

March 28:      Last day before Spring Break

April 7:           Students return from Spring Break

April 18:         No School

April 30:         Dental Bus will be at Pine River.  More information will follow.

May 2:           BCEL/PR PTO Sponsored Daddy Daughter Dance

May 9:           BCEL/PR PTO Sponsored CARNIVAL

May 16:         BCEL/PR PTO Sponsored Mother Son Loons’ Game


You will find the following attachments:

– Mr. Rutterbush’s Physical Education Newsletter

– Mrs. Walters’ Library Newsletter

– Mrs. Griggs’ and Ms. Rooker’s Music and Art Newsletter

– Southtown Little League Registration information


Also, as we continue to strive to keep our building safe and secure, when Mrs. Krueger and I need to step out of the office, we will lock the door into the main office and put a note on the window of the door to inform you.  The wait time will be minimal – just a minute or two until we return.  We greatly appreciate your understanding of this new procedure.


Have a wonderful weekend!


Debbie Bradford

ArtMusic Newsletter

Southtown Little League Registration

library newsletter

PE Newsletter

Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=6713