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Parent – Teacher Conferences are TONIGHT, 4:00 to 7:30 pm, and Thursday from 3:00 – 6:30 pm.
Junior Class Officers and Reps:  Check your mailboxes.  Also, please see Mrs. Sweebe in room 6A about Saturday.
Juniors interested in Co-oping:  Please keep checking in with Mrs. Flaminio about current openings and interviews.
Michigan State University’s James Madison College will be hosting a special day for juniors to visit.  If you are interested in studying public and international affairs at MSU, please consider joining them for a visit.  Register online atwww.jmc.msu.edu/visit.

Alma College is hosting a High School Leadership Academy.  If you are interested in a health related career and would like to improve your leadership skills, check out this awesome summer opportunity.  Visit their website atwww.alma.edu/leadacademy for more information.

Delta College will have a Representative and an adviser at Bullock Creek High School on Wednesday, April 23, to meet with seniors planning to attend Delta in the fall.  They will assist students with registering for classes.  If you are a senior planning to attend Delta, this is a great opportunity to consult with an adviser prior to registering for your classes.  There are two meeting times to choose from, 10:30 am and 1:00 pm.  Please sign up in the Career Center by April 8.
Attention students and staff:  This Friday, the 21st will be our spring BLOOD DRIVE.  If you haven’t signed up, and would like to donate, stop in the office to sign up.  Please remember the following:  To donate, you must weigh at least 110 lbs and be 16 (w/ parent signature) or older (no parent signature needed).  EAT IRON RICH FOODS this week so you won’t be deferred.  On the day of the drive – eat a healthy breakfast and drink lots of fluids.  An NHS member will release donors from class Friday.   You will not be allowed back to class after donating without a pass.


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