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Today at BCMS

It’s that time of year again.  Time for the Bob Owen Classic students vs. staff basketball game, which will take place on Friday afternoon, March 28th.  Students will have the option of playing and/or watching the game, computer lab, game room, or a movie room.  To be in an activity room other than the gym you need to sign up for that activity in the office. The movie being shown is Frozen. If you plan on watching the game, you do NOT need to sign up for anything.  Students are NOT allowed to move between areas during the game.  Sign up sheets are located in the office.  If you are signing up to play basketball, please make sure you have five people and you can only sign up for a team twice.

IMPORTANT!!! New this year!!! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to draft and coach a team of teachers against one another? Now’s your chance! All you have to do is purchase a ticket during lunch and you will be entered into a drawing to determine the two lucky students who will get this opportunity.  Tickets are 50 cents each and you can purchase as many entries as you wish. If you have a question, see Mr. Whittington in Room 301.


Attention 7th and 8th grade students. You are invited to go on a once-in-a-lifetime educational adventure to Washington, D.C. this June.  Please stop by Mr. Brown’s room for information about this exciting opportunity.


Attention 7th & 8th Grade Boys and Girls! Track and Field sign up is in the office The first practice on April 7.


7th grade Peer to Peer mentors.    You need to turn in your permission forms to Mrs. Fermoyle right away.   THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.  She needs these back before the program can start.


2H tomorrow in Mrs. Rinn’s Room #115 until 3:15.


Wednesday, March 26th is Spirit Day wear your Baseball Shirts & Hat Day!!!! Let’s see which grade level has the most spirit. On Thursday, March 27th, wear Hawaiian & Sunglasses Day!!!


Lost & Found items in the office.  Any items left during Spring Break will be donated.  Please stop by and check for your lost coat, jacket, hat, lunchbox, sweatshirts & hoodies.


Volleyball Game tonight.


Popcorn on sale tomorrow during lunch $1 or $1.25.


Lunch tomorrow: Chicken Sandwich or Chips & Cheese or Pizza, Carrot Sticks, Hubbard Squash, Apple Crisp, and Fresh Fruit, and Milk.


Weekly Reminders 2H on Tuesday’s in Mr. Laughner’s Room and on Thursday’s in Mrs. Rinn’s Room, Popcorn on sale during lunch on Thursdays.



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