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We will have a Black and Gold Day tomorrow so show your Lancer Spirit!  Lancers ROCK!!!
The Dickey Dome will be open Sunday through Friday from 5 to 7 pm for extra hitting and pitching over break.
Juniors interested in Co-oping: There are many updated Co-op positions available, including MidMichigan Medical Center.  See Mrs. Flaminio for more information.
Michigan State University-College of Veterinary Medicine will be holding a free Vet-a-Visit program on April 5 from 9-3. You may register on-line at cvm.msu.edu/vav or see the poster in D-wing for more information.
Seniors, if you are planning to apply for any of the scholarships that are due on April 1 to the Counseling Center, please have your application and required paperwork submitted prior to Spring Break as there will not be anyone in the office during Spring Break.
There will be a Segment I driver education course offered at The Rock April 14 and a Segment II driver education course starting April 28 . Check out kingoftheroaddrivingschool.com for registration and more details.


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