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The Dickey Dome will be open Sunday through Friday next week from 5 to 7 pm for extra hitting and pitching.
Juniors interested in Co-oping: There are many updated Co-op positions available, including MidMichigan Medical Center.  See Mrs. Flaminio for more information.
Michigan State University-College of Veterinary Medicine will be holding a free Vet-a-Visit program on April 5 (that’s during spring break!) from 9-3. You may register on-line at cvm.msu.edu/vav
There will be Segment I and Segment II driver education courses offered at The Rock in April. Check out kingoftheroaddrivingschool.com for registration and more details.
Hey Lancers!!!  Are you going somewhere super cool for spring break?  Are you staying in good ol’ Midland?  Display your travels–or lack thereof!–with “Vacation Destination” Spirit Day the first Friday we are back from spring break!  Wear your cool t-shirt or wacky hat and show the school where you’ve been!  (Of course it must be school appropriate!)
                        Have a great spring break!  See you all here on April 7th!

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