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Middle School Principal News 8/26/11

I would just take the opportunity to thank all the parents, grandparents and students that came in yesterday to pick up student schedule and locker information.  I enjoyed the opportunity to meet you all and am very excited for the coming year.  If you did not have the opportunity to come to pick up your child’s schedule, feel free to contact us at the Middle School (989-631-9260) to find out when would be a good opportunity to do so.

Last night’s New Student Orientation was well attended and my hope is that many of those first day jitters are settled.  There were a three questions that came up at the New Student Orientation that I was not able to answer, but would like to answer them in this newsletter.

A parent asked if Middle School Students could carry cash to school for their lunch account?  Carrying cash or check (payable to Bullock Creek Food Service) to place money on the lunch account is allowed.  We would like to encourage parents and students to be cautious  and responsible as they carry their money.

A parent asked if their was a microwave in the cafeteria for students to heat up their cold lunch?  We do not have microwave available at this time.

A parent asked if students could carry a backpack to the classroom.  After checking the handbook, we ask students not to bring book bags, coats or hats into the classroom.

Tonight is the first varsity home football game against Meridian High School, kickoff is at 7:00pm.  Go Creek!

8th grade girls basketball has begun.  Unfortunately we were unable to find volunteer coaches for the 7th and 6th grade girl and will not have teams this season.  We are looking for volunteer coaches for boys basketball and possibly wrestling.  If you are interested, please contact the Middle School office.

On the first day of school, students will be bringing home their handbooks and emergency forms to be signed.  Please encourage your students to return them as early as possible.

Teachers return on Monday August 29 to prepare for students.  First day of school is September 6th.  Welcome back barbecue is on September 15 from 4:00-5:30pm

Attached are a couple of pieces of information we wanted to pass along to you.  8th graders will be attending the guest speaker at the Center for the Arts on September 16th.

Enjoy the remainder of your summer vacation and we will see you the 6th.

The Rock Donations Needed (PDF)

See also the Evolution of Dance sponsored by the United Way.

Shawn Hale
Bullock Creek Middle School

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