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Co-op’s:  Time sheets are due this Friday.
Hey Lancers!!!  Did you go somewhere super cool for spring break?  Did you stay in good ol’ Midland?  Display your travels–or lack thereof!–with “Vacation Destination” Spirit Day this Friday!  Wear your cool t-shirt or wacky hat and show the school where you’ve been!  (Of course it must be school appropriate!)

Prom tickets will be sold on the following days:  April 17, 21, 22 and 23 during both lunches. Guest pass forms are available on the counter in the main office.
Voting for Prom king and queen nominations will be done during lunch hours on Tuesday, April 15.
Hey Student Council Spirit Committee Members!  Don’t forget that your sport spirit signs are due this FRIDAY!  There will be a meeting Friday after school to hang up signs.  Be there!  Don’t put your duties off on others!

Student Council Student Relations Committee Peeps!  There will be a meeting on Friday before school to discuss ideas for Exchange Day with Millington…please be there and bring great ideas!


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