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Teachers:  Please release the varsity tennis team players at 2:30 today for their match at Bridgeport.
Prom tickets go on sale tomorrow through next Wednesday during both lunches.
Attention ALL National Honor Society members:  There is a full group meeting tomorrow in the Media Center.  Any questions see Ms. Rubingh or Mrs. Landon.
Juniors and Seniors, CMU is offering a Digital Discovery Camp this summer.  If you would like to learn more about shooting photos and videos, producing web content, using social media, and more visit their website atwww.journalism.cmich.edu.

Do you love to fly?  Would you like to learn more about aviation?  Aviation Camp is being offered at Barstow Airport this summer.  Stop by the Career Center to pick up a flyer.

Juniors interested in Co-oping:  Please check your e-mails and the Information table in the Career Center daily for updates.


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