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District Education Dashboard

Information derived from the MI School Data portal and showcases our District’s education performance. For an explanation of the categories, please see the MI School Data Help page.


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Bullock Creek School District Education Dashboard
Student Outcomes Prior Current State Current
Third Grade Reading Proficiency 93% 89% 87%
Student Academic Growth 3-8 14.20% 9.20% 10.90%
Students proficient in Math and Reading 3-8 85.90% 82.80% 77.30%
Students Proficient on MME 34% 38.90% 35.80%
ACT Composite Score 19.39 19.4 19.47
ACT College Readiness Benchmarks 19% 15.40% 17.30%
4 year Graduation Rate 86.50% 84.80% 75.95%
School Accountability
Schools meeting federal Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) 100% 100% 79.20%
Culture of Learning
Self-Reported Bullying on School Property 0 0 24%
Free/Reduced Lunch Participation by Eligible Students 68.98% 73.90% 69.10%
Value for Money
Districts with ongoing deficits for three consecutive years 0 0 17

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