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Today at BCMS

Bring your pennies in at lunch for the Penny War, let’s see which grade brings in the most pennies!!!  The winning grade will get a pizza party!!!!  Pennies will be donated to a community family.


BC Youth Football registration tonight at BCHS Cafeteria, or Wednesday, April 30th at Floyd, and Thursday May 15th at BCHS Cafeteria, for more information on registering or conditioning camp come by the office.


8th Girls Basketball Summer Information is in the office.


Popcorn on Sale Thursday during lunch for $1 or add cheese for $1.25


Today our track and field athletes have their first meet of the season! They will be competing against Northeast and White Pine. If you see them, make sure you wish them good luck! Athletes, the bus will be leaving at 2:45 pm today, so be on the bus by 2:40 pm.  Change immediately after school and meet in the cafeteria.


Landscaping Day on Wednesday, April 30th after school.


Reminder:   Big Brother Big Sister permission forms need to be turned into Mrs. Fermoyle as soon as possible.  She needs these by Friday.


Lunch tomorrow: Chicken on a Bun or Tortilla Chips & Cheese or Max Pizza, Squash, Apple Crisp, Fresh Fruit, and Milk.


Weekly Reminders 2H on Tuesday’s in Mr. Laughner’s Room and on Thursday’s in Mrs. Rinn’s Room, Popcorn on sale during lunch on Thursdays.

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