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Please release the Tennis team TODAY at 2:30 for their match at Garber.
The No Detention Convention is tomorrow.  The staff will be serving breakfast to all students who have not received a referral and/or served detention time during the school year.
Is your lunch account paid up?  As of this Friday, you will not be allowed to charge your lunch for the remainder of the school year.  The kitchen staff would like to thank all of those who stepped up and are taking care of their unpaid balance!

Attention seniors:  The count down to graduation has begun!!  The last day for seniors is Friday, May 23rd.  All exams, books, fees, fines and sport materials need to be returned by that date.  Be sure to read the signs posted in E-wing. Due dates are important.



Camp Health and Wellness will be offered at Delta College June 16-18.  If you are considering a career in the medical field, please check out this great summer opportunity.  Pick up a flyer in the Career Center for more information.

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