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Today at BCMS

Congratulations to 8th grader Brooklyn Gasser whose design will be featured on the cover of the 2013-2014 yearbook! Thank you to everyone who voted!


Conratulations to Ryan Calkins, Rebecca Jean, Abby Hahn, Emma Franzen, and Rebekah Kindy for Midland Concert Band on Sunday.


Students in 6th and 7th grade interested in participating on a  First Lego League Robotics team should sign up in the office.


BC Youth Football registration Thursday May 15th at BCHS Cafeteria, for more information on registering or conditioning camp come by the office.


6th Grade Boys or Girls interested in summer basketball pick up information in the main office.


Northwood University Youth Football Skills Day Camp information in the office.


8th Grade Girls Basketball Summer information in the office.


Innovative Artists Contest information in the office, contest deadline in May 16th.


Mackinaw Trip & Greenfield Village forms, including chapparone form and money due today.  No exceptions.


The Library will be Closing May 23rd.  All Library Books must be turned in.


Lunch tomorrow: Orange Chicken with Rice & Eggroll or Pizza, Carrot & Celery Sticks, Blended Vegetables, Fresh Fruit, and Milk.




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