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Today at BCMS

The Band Boosters are offering a HD quality format DVD of the Christmas & spring concerts for this school year for $15.  Purchases can be made at the concert Thursday night.  More information is available on the band page of the school website.  Band Concert tonight at 6:30 at the High School.


Play cast members:  Please stop in and get your play DVD’s from Sra. Brandt this week.  $1.00 for both.


8th grade students interested in high school cross country should sign up in the office.


Tuesday, May 27th, during lunch there will a meeting with the Coach for any 8th Grade Boys interested in Summer Basketball


All 6th & 7th Grade Girls wanting to play Volleyball next year please signup in the office. This is for next year so you will be 7th and 8th graders in the fall.


Students interested in 9th Grade Volleyball6th Grade Boys & Girls Summer BasketballFree Bowling Pass, Basketball Camp or Grace A Dow Library Volunteers, please stop in the office for information and sign up.


The Library will be Closing this Friday, May 23rd.  All Library Books must be turned in by Friday.


No bus transportation to the Rock on Friday, May 23rd.


Lunch Tomorrow: Pulled Pork on a Bun or Fish Sticks with Tator Tots or Pizza, Carrot Sticks & Red Pepper Slices, Veggie Blend, Fresh Fruit, and Milk.


Upcoming Information: No School on Memorial Day, Monday, May 26th; 6th Grade Greenfield Village Fieldtrip on Tuesday; June 3rd; 8th Grade Recognition Tuesday Evening, June 3rd; 8th Grade Mackinaw Island Fieldtrip on Wednesday, June 4th; and Last day of School Friday, June 6th. Last day to order DVD’s of our Band Students is May 29th, go to the Band Page for more information.

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