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School Cardiac Emergency Response

School Cardiac Emergency Response


In the event a building occupant (student, staff, visitor) collapses on school property, the following steps should be taken:



  • Call/Communicate need for Emergency Response Team
  • Call 911
    • Confirm location/status of victim
  • Initiate CPR, if needed and if trained, while AED is brought to the scene


Emergency Response Team:

  • Bring AED to location of emergency (if building is equipped with one)
    • Trained staff are responsible for obtaining and responding with AED
  • Move occupants in the area away from the emergency to a pre-designated or other area
  • Assess the victim; circulation, airway, and breathing. The victim should not be moved unless the scene is unsafe
  • Initiate CPR, if needed, while AED is brought to the scene
  • Prepare to use AED. Follow all instructions and prompts
    • No AED—continue CPR as training indicates
  • Follow-up with Administration


Main Office:

  • Call 911
    • Confirm location/status of victim
  • Assign a staff member to direct emergency crews to the location of victim *
  • Ensure that Emergency Response Team has been activated
  • Notify the emergency contact (parent, spouse or guardian)
  • Notify necessary staff when appropriate that students removed from area are clear to return regular schedule
  • File accident report and workman’s compensation report, if applicable
  • Contact Superintendent’s office if situation warrants

The Building’s AED equipment will follow manufacturer prescribed maintenance procedures with documentation of maintenance actions. Records of maintenance are maintained in an appropriate location as designated by the administrator.


The Building Response Team consists of building staff trained in both CPR and AED use. The School will conduct annual staff training sessions and drills; records of training sessions are maintained in the School Office as designated by the administrator.


*Prior to EMS arrival, obtain victim’s emergency contact information from the file, if available.

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