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Welcome to the 2014-15 School Year

August 13, 2014

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Your child is a student at Floyd Elementary School. You know that your child is important to us and that we want to provide every opportunity for success. Each school in Michigan is required to test students every year using the Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP). The results of these tests, as well as participation on the tests are used to determine whether our school is meeting Michigan School Proficiency Targets and where it ranks in a “Top to Bottom” list of schools and their performance. As a result of this ranking in the “Top to Bottom” list of schools in their performance a school in the bottom percentiles can be classified as a “Priority School.” “Focus Schools” are schools with the largest achievement gaps between the top 30% of students and the bottom 30% of students. This year Floyd School is identified as a “Focus School” because the size of the gap in achievement between the highest and lowest performing students in our school exceeded the state criteria.

In order to address this problem we have identified several steps as a school and district. These include:

-Utilizing a system of supports for students that are struggling to achieve state benchmark targets such as extra instruction; especially in reading and in math.
-Continued professional development and team planning for school staff to develop the best teaching practices to assist students in the bottom 30 percent of achievement;
-Low class sizes in our early elementary grades to allow teachers to focus more specifically on the needs of each student.
-Partnering with the Legacy Center for Community Success to provide training to our paraprofessionals to help students with reading difficulties.

How can you help? Overcoming any achievement obstacles takes a collaborative effort of the home and school. Reading nightly with your child, helping with homework, and attending school events are all important ways that you, too, can help us address the needs of all of our learners. Together we will work to make sure that every student at Floyd Elementary has a top quality education.

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me or speak with your child’s teacher once the school year begins to see if there are additional things we can do to assist your child.

Kids First,
Rod Dishaw, Principal

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