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Sept 19 Announcements

The Varsity Football team takes on Freeland tonight at home at 7pm.

Hey all underclassman powderpuff players!  There will be a mandatory meeting TODAYafter school in the cafeteria.  If you are unable to make it, please talk to a team captain, Kelsi Jacobs or Madison Hill.

Attention all prospective men and women basketball players.  Reminder – Pre-season open gyms begin this Sunday for the guys from 4:30 to 6:00 with Coach Garner and the ladies from 6:00 to 7:15 with Coach Freeland.  Further information is posted on the basketball board across from the cafeteria or stop by and see Mr. Freeland in room 7D.

Beginning next week, areas of the high school parking lot will be under repair.  If that area is where you regularly park, please park along the back row beginning with spot number 202 until the area where you park has been repaired.

Northwood University is hosting College Night on Thursday, October 2 from 6:30-8:00pm at their Hach Center.  This free event will have over 100 Representatives from colleges, universities, trade/technical schools and military.

Attention Juniors and Seniors:  Please sign up in the Counseling Office if you are interested in meeting with the following college representatives:

Davenport University on Tuesday, Sept. 23rd, at 9:00 am
Northern Michigan University on Thursday, Sept. 25th, at 1:40 pm

Michigan State University’s James Madison College is hosting Fall Visit Days, September through November.  For more information visit their website at www.jmc.msu.edu/visit.

Come on out and catch the BC Equestrian Team as they compete in the Regional Championships next weekend at the Midland County Fairgrounds.  Events are scheduled for Friday at 5pm through closing ceremonies Sunday afternoon.


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