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Sept 26 Announcements

Hey ALL Homecoming 2014 Court Members–Just a reminder that there is a meeting today after school in Mrs. DuBois’ room–7B.  You must be there!  Important information will be given out at the meeting regarding your roles and responsibilities!
The Bullock Creek Equestrian Team will be competing this weekend at Regionals.  The show will begin at 5pm today with reining and trail events. It will continue at 8 am on Saturday with the opening ceremony, and will feature speed events around 4 pm.  The show will open again at 9am on Sunday, and will end with closing ceremonies around 7pm.  Come out and support your team at the Midland County Fairgrounds.  The team asks that you wear black and gold.  The admission is free.
Reminder to all prospective men and women basketball players that Pre-season open gyms are again this Sunday for the guys 4:30 to 6:00 with Coach Garner and the ladies 6:00 to 7:15 with Coach Freeland.  Further information is posted on the basketball board across from the cafeteria or stop by and see Mr. Freeland in room 7D.
Sophomores:  We will be meeting all next week around 4 pm at Zach Osmond’s house, 2663 S. Meridian Rd.  Snacks and drinks will be provided. 
2014 Homecoming T-shirt  order forms are due by the end of the day Monday, September 29.  Order forms may be picked up in the main office.
Hey Students!  Next week is Spirit Week!  Dress up for each day and show your school and class pride!
    Monday is “Roll Out of Bed Day!”  Wear your comfy, cozy school appropriate best!
    Tuesday is “Camouflage Day!”  Army fatigues, digital camo, Mossy Oak, Real Tree–dress in your favorite–even pink?!
    Wednesday is “Stop Light Day!”  Wear RED if you have a date for the dance; wear GREEN if you are still looking for a date; wear YELLOW if it is, well, complicated!
    Thursday is “V-Neck Day!”  Pull out your fave school appropriate, of course!, v-neck shirt or sweater!
    Friday is “Black and Gold Day!”  Sport the school’s best colors in honor of the homecoming season!
Let’s see how spirited we can be!  GO CREEK!


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