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Oct 1 Announcements

October 1, 2014
Hey Lancer Dancers!  Homecoming dance tickets are on sale through TOMORROW at both lunches.  The cost is $12 for a single ticket and $20 for a couple.  You must have guest forms filled out before you may purchase tickets.  There will be no tickets available at the door the night of the dance.
Tomorrow is “V-Neck Day!”  Pull out a school appropriate v-neck shirt or sweater!  And, Friday is “Black and Gold Day!” GO CREEK!   
Students:  You are invited to attend the 2014 College Night on the Campus of Northwood University’s Hach Center TOMORROW from 6:30 – 8:00 pm.  Over 70 colleges, universities, and technical schools will be represented.  Hope to see you there!
Hey Lancers of all ages!  Do you like marshmallows and Red Pop?  Do you like to have fun?  Sign up for the BC Homecoming Assembly tradition of Roxanne!  The sign up sheet is in the main office.  You must be signed up by3pm on Thursday to be eligible.  We will draw a random name from each class to participate! 
Homecoming Activities run down…  Dance ticket sales ends tomorrow. Tickets are $12 per single, $20 per couple.  Homecoming picture order forms are available at the ticket table.
Friday:  Assembly in the main gym.  Students will be released from class with a PA announcement.
            Parade begins at 4:30pm at the corner of Stewart and Patterson roads.
            Football game – kick-off at 7:00pm.
Saturday:  Dance in the high school cafeteria 8 – 11pm.  Tickets must be purchased prior to the dance.  
Please sign up in the Counseling Office to meet with the following college representatives:  University of Michigan-Flint on 10-6-14 at 1:45 pm.  Eastern Michigan University on 10-9-14 at 10:00 am.
LUNCH tomorrow:  Beef or chicken taco with lettuce and cheese, stromboli squares, spicy chicken patty on a bun, celery sticks, refried beans, mandarin oranges, and bananas.

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