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Today at BCMS

Game Committe Meeting today after school from 2:30-3:15, Talking Points Committee meeting after school from 2:30-3:15 on Wednesday October 8 is cancelled and moved to Oct. 15th, Miscellaneous Committee Meeting after school from 2:30-3:15 on Thursday October 9.


Picture Retakes on Thursday, October 9th.


7th & 8th Grade Boys interested in Wrestling, please sign up in the office.


Spirit & Pride Shirts on Sale through Friday.


6th Grade Boys interested in Youth Wrestling, please sign up in the office.


Volley for a Cure Tshirts on sale during lunch Tuesday and Wednesday for $10


Starting October 20th we will be selling ribbons and bracelets for Cancer awareness month. The cost will be $1.00 for both bracelets and ribbons awareness


Just a reminder : Sharing Tree Forms and Community Christmas Closet forms are due by October 8th. Please make sure to get those turned into Mrs. Fermoyle asap.


6-12 Graders Cedar Point Trip for Saturday, October 25th. Forms and information in the office.


2H on Tuesdays only from 2:30-3:30.


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