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Today at BCMS

  • Talking Points Committee meeting after school from 2:30-3:15 on Wed., Oct. 15th.
  • Reminder to those students that are still interested in being part of Peer to Peer. . . . . . you can still turn in your permission form to Mrs. Fermoyle. Please get these forms into Mrs. Fermoyle by Thursday of this week.
  • 7th & 8th Grade Boys interested in Middle School Wrestling, please sign up in the office.
  • Spirit & Pride Shirts on Sale. Bring order forms to the office.
  • 6th-8th Grade Boys interested in Youth Wrestling, information in the office.
  • Starting October 20th we will be selling ribbons and bracelets for Cancer Awareness month. The cost will be $1.00 for both bracelets and ribbons.
  • Please make sure to get Sharing Tree forms and Community Christmas Closet forms turned into Mrs. Fermoyle’s office asap.
  • On Saturday, Oct. 25th 6-12 Graders going to the Cedar Point trip with Messiah Lutheran Church forms and information in the office
  • Parent & Teacher Conferences on Thursday, Oct. 16th from 3pm until 6:30pm.
  • Remember to practice for Wrestling or Basketball you need to have a physical on file in the office.
  • 2H today from 2:30 until 3:30pm in Mr. Laughner’s Room #309, tuesday’s only.
  • Reminder Popcorn on sale Thursday’s during lunch for $1 or add cheese for $1.25.

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