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College Application Week

College Application Week

Bullock Creek High School will be participating in a state-wide initiative called College Application Week. Our goal is to help all graduating high school seniors navigate the complex college admissions process and provide the opportunity to complete at least one application by the conclusion of Michigan College Application Week. On Monday, October 27, seniors will listen to a presentation to help them prepare for the week. Then, on November 4, seniors will have the opportunity to complete at least one college application. Several Michigan colleges are waiving the application fee on this day.

Seniors who have already applied will be able to listen to two panels (College Life, presented by current Northwood University students or Financing Your Future, presented by Midland Area Community Foundation which will include FAFSA and scholarship information). Students who do not have post secondary goals that include college can meet with a military or technical school representative or complete a career search. Our goal is to help all seniors further develop a post-secondary plan. For more information, contact Jennifer Brown at brownj@bcreek.org.

Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=8095