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Oct 21 Announcements

Parent-Teacher Conferences are TODAY from 4:00 to 7:30 pm in the main gym and cafeteria area.  Conferences Thursday will be in teacher’s classrooms from 3:00 to 6:30 pm.

Do you think you can dance?  Or can you sing?  Do you play an instrument, recite poetry or do magic tricks?  If you have some talent that you like to show off, come to the informational meeting for this year’s talent show TODAY at 2:45 in the auditorium.  If you can’t attend the meeting, you MUST see Ms. Doud in room 2A.


There will be a Segment I driver ed class offered at the High School starting next Monday and a Segment II class offered starting November 10.  Check out kingoftheroaddrivingschool.com for details and registration.


Are you a fan of the creepy and weird?  Do you love things that are eerie and a little frightening?  Then get into the mind of Edgar Allan Poe, October 23, 24 and 25th at 7pm as Bullock Creek Theatre Presents “An Evening With Edgar Allan Poe.”  Tickets are only $5 and are available at the door.  Hope to see you there


Big Brothers/Big Sisters still have a great need for many volunteers.  Please pick up an application from Mrs. Copus in the Counseling Office as soon as possible.


The following college reps will be here to meet with students:  Navy ROTC Scholarship tomorrow at 9:00 am, and  Michigan State University on Thursday at 1:35 pm.   Please sign up in the Counseling/Career Center if you are interested.


Attention Boy’s Volleyball tournament players:  You must be signed up in the office and the per player fee of $10 must be paid by this Thursday, October 23.  See Coach Huntoon for details.


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