- Thursday Chess Club will meet in the library during AC, you must get a pass during lunch to leave class.
- Girls 7th & 8th Grade Basketball practice October schedules are in the office.
- Spirit & Pride Shirts on Sale. Bring order forms to the office.
- Wear Pink tomorrow, red on Thursday and your pins and bracelets on Friday.
- This week during lunch we will be selling ribbons and bracelets for Cancer Awareness month. The cost will be $1.00 each for bracelets and ribbons.
- Remember to practice for Wrestling or Basketball you need to have a physical on file in the office. Check with the office to make sure you have one on file.
- Today 2H from 2:30 until 3:30pm in Mr. Laughner’s Room #309.
- Robotics Club Meetings Thurs., Oct. 23rd, Mon. Oct. 27th & Wed. Oct. 29th from 2:30-4PM.
- Michigan/Michigan State day is Friday Oct. 24.
- Thursday’s Popcorn on sale during lunch for $1 or add cheese for $1.25.
Today at BMCS
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