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Oct 27 Announcements

Please sign up in the Counseling/Career Center if you are interested in meeting with the representative from Lake Superior State University on Thursday, Oct. 30 at 1:45 pm.
ATTENTION ALL STUCO PEEPS–even those who recently filled out election packets–we have a full council meeting tomorrow morning (Tuesday) at 7:10 a.m. in Mrs. DuBois’s room–room 7B.  Homecoming might be over, but there are new things coming at us!  Be there!
Hay Lancers!  Starting Monday until November 25th, your very own Blitzcreek Robotics team will be holding a pop can drive!  Recyclable cans and bottles can be placed in designated bins around the school to help us reach our goal of 5,000 cans.  If the goal is reached, then YOU, the student body, will be listed as a sponsor of team 3770!  With your help, we CAN reach our goal!
Wednesday is Black & Gold Card Day.  Bring your card to lunch and receive a free cookie!


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