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Nov 3 Announcements

Missing:  Six foot, yellow step ladder.  Last seen at catapult competition.  Please return to the main office or contact Clayton Diamond.
Attention cross country runners: there will be awards and PIZZA TODAY in Mrs. Discher’s room right after school. See you there!

Students, don’t forget the Career Fair event tomorrow.  Students will report to class for roll and then will be dismissed by grades during 1st, 2nd, and 3rd hours.  Please bring something to write with.  A Passport and clipboard will be provided when you enter the Main Gym.  See you then!  Seniors, you will be participating in College Application Day during your English 12 classes tomorrow also.
Hey students!  Tomorrow is a special day at Bullock Creek High School.  It is Career Fair Day and College Application Day.  Please celebrate by wearing your favorite military, technical school, college or university t-shirt or sweatshirt.

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