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Nov 5 Announcements

All BOYS planning on playing basketball should attend the weightlifting and conditioning sessions TODAY from 3:30 – 5:00, and Friday from 3:00 – 4:30.
Reminder to all GIRLS basketball players:  Pre-season conditioning for those not still involved in a Fall sport is Thursday (tomorrow) right after school until 3:30.  Meet in Mr. Freeland’s room.  Also a reminder to GIRLS basketball players:  Official practices begin this
Monday, November 10th right after school!
Seniors, if you would like to proudly announce which college you applied to, but did not get a locker poster, stop by the Career Center to pick one up.
The football banquet will be next Wednesday, November 12th in the HS cafeteria.  A main dish will be provided by football.  All players are asked to bring a dish to pass.  Any questions contact Coach Miller.

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