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Nov 6 Announcements

Reminder to all GIRLS basketball players:  Pre-season conditioning for those not still involved in a Fall sport is TODAY right after school until 3:30.  Meet in Mr. Freeland’s room.  Also a reminder to GIRLS basketball players:  Official practices begin this Monday, November 10th right after school!
Attention all BOYS planning on playing basketball:  Plan to come to the weightlifting and conditioning TOMORROW from 3:00 – 4:30.
Seniors, if you would like to proudly announce which college you applied to, but did not get a locker poster, stop by the Career Center to pick one up.
Students:  If you are interested in a career in Law Enforcement or in the Medical field,  please stop by the Career Center to get information on these Explorers Programs.
The football banquet is next Wednesday, November 12th at 6:00pm in the HS cafeteria.  All players are asked to bring a dish to pass.  Any questions contact Coach Miller.

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