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Nov 7 Announcements

Hey all Student Council members!  Just a reminder that there will be a FULL COUNCIL MEETING on Tuesday morning at 7 am in Mrs. DuBois’s room–7B.  Please don’t forget, and please be on time.  Arrange your rides NOW!  Also…please don’t forget to continue to check your mailboxes–more often than just on meeting days!
GIRLS basketball players are reminded that official practices begin Monday right after school!
Students:  If you are interested in a career in Law Enforcement or in the Medical field,  please stop by the Career Center to get information on these Explorers Programs.
A representative from Oakland University will be here on Tuesday, Nov. 11 at 1:35 pm.  Please sign up in the Counseling/Career Center if you are interested.
The football banquet is next Wednesday at 6:00pm in the HS cafeteria.  All players are asked to bring a dish to pass.  Any questions contact Coach Miller.

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