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Important Robotics meeting this Thursday after school in Mrs. Doud’s room – 2A.  The meeting is for everyone, current members and anyone interested in joining.  If you can’t attend the meeting, see Mrs. Doud by Friday.

Sophomore Class float building will be taking place on Saturday from 1-3pm at Sahara Brisson’s Father’s house. (2431 W. Chippewa River Rd.)  Please bring a can of spray paint  of any color, duct tape, and cardboard if you can.  All sophomore’s are welcome. Join, have some fun, and build OUR float.

Students & Staff:  Room 6A is selling chocolate candy bars for $1.00.  Thank you all for your support!!

Attention all NHS members:  Your mailboxes are set up in the counseling office next to the co-ops’.  Please check them today or tomorrow..there is a wonderful opportunity for you on September 15th and we are looking for outstanding students to represent Bullock Creek!  Also, take a look at the board in the cafeteria for upcoming information.

Co-op’s:  Please remember to check your mailbox in the Career Center.

Student council members!  Don’t forget that you should be checking your mailboxes everyday!  They are located in Mrs. Toth’s room–1B.  Important committee meetings are being set up and you need to be aware of what’s going on!  Homecoming is coming up FAST!  Don’t let it sneak up on you and pass you by!

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