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Nov 13 Announcements

  •  ATTENTION:  All National Honor Society members – There is a meeting TODAY, Thursday, November 13th at 2:50 in the distance learning lab.
  • Whether you’re planning on college, a technical school, the military, or you’re just not sure yet, the ASVAB Career Exploration Program can provide you with important information about your skills, abilities and interests — and help put you on the right course for a satisfying career.  Bullock Creek will be administering this free ASVAB on December 19.  Stop by the Counseling Center to register.
  • Juniors and sophomores interested in preparing for the ACT should consider taking a full-length Practice ACT offered at Bullock Creek on December 17.  The test will be administered in the main gym starting at 7:55am.  The cost is $10 and students need to register in the Counseling Center by December 12.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Brown.
  • Juniors:  There will be a very important Co-op meeting for anyone interested on Wednesday, November 19th, during 3rd hour.  Please make sure you sign up in the Career Center.
  • Oh Snap!  It’s Freshmen Week for the Lancer Shield Staff!  Our photographers will be capturing as many freshman candids as they can to go in the 2014-15 yearbook. If your photo is selected as the Freshman Photo of the Week, you’ll receive a special prize from the Lancer Shield!
  • Attention Freshman Class Officers.  There will be a meeting next week Wednesday, November 19th at 7:15 am in Mr. Korson’s room – 1B.  Please attend, we have a great deal to discuss!
  • Volleyball players are reminded to turn in their uniform to Coach Huntoon.
  • Attetnion all boys and girls not currently in a winter sport:  Powerlifting will be starting Monday, November 17th from 3:00 to 4:30 in the weight room.

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