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Dec 4 Announcements

  • 11th graders, it’s your week!  Be on the lookout for your yearbook photographers during Junior Oh Snap Week! Your smiling mug might appear in next year’s Lancer Shield and you might also win the Junior Photo of the Week contest.  Awesome!
  • Attention Seniors!!  You have a deadline coming up fast!  Before Christmas break, submit you senior portrait, senior baby picture, and seniors with siblings photos to Mrs. Discher in 5E or her mailbox in the main office.  Bring in your pictures soon so you don’t have to worry about them later!
    • Whether you’re planning on college, a technical school, the military, or you’re just not sure yet, the ASVAB Career Exploration Program can provide you with important information about your skills, abilities and interests — and help put you on the right course for a satisfying career.  Bullock Creek will be administering this free ASVAB on December 19.  Stop by the Counseling Center to register.

      Juniors and sophomores interested in preparing for the ACT should consider taking a full-length Practice ACT offered at Bullock Creek on December 17.  The test will be administered in the main gym starting at 7:55am.  The cost is $10 and students need to register in the Counseling Center by December 12.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Brown.

    Seniors, the Midland Area Community Foundation Scholarships are now available.  Check out their website at www.midlandfoundation.org.

  • Here’s an update on the food drive competition after our first collection:
    1st – Mrs. Sweebe’s class – 3.9 cans per student
    2nd – Mrs. Syring’s class – 2 cans per student
    3rd – Mrs. Discher – 0.33 cans per student
    Our next pick up date is tomorrow 12/5.  Please set items outside your door at the end of the day.  The last pick up date is Wed. 12/10 (the last day of the drive).  Thank you for stepping up to help our community!

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