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Dec 18 Announcements

Tomorrow is Ugly Sweater Day!

Ho Ho Ho!  It’s the time of year to think about those in need.  Creekers for a Cause is hosting a benefit for Bethany and Sarah Coyle and Will Starks and their families.  Please join us tomorrow night at Bullock Creek High School starting at 6:00pm during the Varsity Basketball games.  Come out for a fun night full of surprises to support these families.

ALL GYM and SPORT lockers must be emptied out COMPLETELY and locks removed even if you are currently in a winter sport!  Hallway lockers must be cleaned also.  Items left in lockers will be thrown away by our custodial staff over break.
Lancers, please get your lunch account paid up by tomorrow!

Seniors – Get those pictures in to Mrs. Discher!

Reminder to all freshman that the Midland County Youth Leadership applications are due TOMORROW.  They can be turned in to the Counseling Center.
Students!  Please check the table in the cafeteria for your lost items.  Anything remaining will be disposed of after tomorrow.


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