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Today at BCMS

  • Winter break starts Monday, Dec. 22 and we return to classes on Monday, Jan. 5th.
  • Middle School play try-outs will be held Wednesday, January 7, and Thursday, January 8 and are open to all 6th , 7th, and 8th grade students. Please only attend ONE of the days. Try-outs are in Mrs. Brandt’s room (305) from 2:30-4:00. Sign up in the office and pick up an information sheet. Students involved in school sports, and other regular after school activities, during the play cannot participate.
  • Lost & Found items are in the Care Center, take your items, or they will be donated Friday. Lockers will be cleaned out this week, anything other than books and notebooks should be taken home.
  • Ho Ho Ho! It’s the time of year to think about those in need. Creekers for a Cause is hosting a benefit for Bethany and Sarah Coyle and Will Starks and their families. Please join us this Friday night at Bullock Creek High School starting at 6:00pm during the Varsity Basketball games. Come out for a fun night full of surprises to support these families.
  • WMFC Youth Basketball League for 3rd-6th grade information and registration forms for 6th grade should go home today.
  • Centershot Archery information for Winter classes. Space is limited so sign up during lunch
  • Boys Basketball remember you must have a sports physical on file in the office on or before the first practice on Jan. 5th. Please check the list in the office to make sure your name is highlighted and you have a physical.
  • 2H Tuesdays from 2:30 until 3:30pm in Mr. Laughner’s Room #309 and on Thursday in Ms. Meyers Room #113
  • Popcorn on sale Thursdays for $1 or add cheese for $1.25

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