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Student Achievement Scores on State Tests Set to Increase Dramatically

I am quite certain that you have either read in the news or heard on the radio or television that expectations for our students on both the National and State level are higher and more rigorous than ever before. I have attached an article from the Detroit News that does a great job outlining the dramatic change in cut scores for proficiency on the Michigan Merit Exam or MME (which all Juniors take and includes the ACT) and the MEAP which is given to students throughout their school career.


These standards have been raised so that our students are prepared for the competitive global economy; that all of our students will be college and career ready. To that end, our District and Building School Improvement Plans are designed to focus on areas where we need to see improvement. You can find each plan on our web site at http://www.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?page_id=168. I encourage you to read these plans and discuss them with your child’s teacher and principal, and of course I will be happy to discuss them with you as well.

We are expected to significantly raise the bar on student achievement and we of course accept this challenge. There will be some difficulties as we make these adjustments, but I am confident that our students are up for the challenge.


Charles F. Schwedler
Bullock Creek Schools

Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=867