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Today at BCMS

  • Middle School play try-outs will be held today and is open to all 6th , 7th, and 8th grade students. Please only attend ONE of the days. Try-outs are in Mrs. Brandt’s room (305) from 2:30-4:00. Sign up in the office and pick up an information sheet. Students involved in school sports, and other regular after school activities, during the play cannot participate.
  • Annual Ski trip is Thursday, January 29. The money will need to be turned in to Mrs. Willsie by January 21 or you will not be able to attend the trip. Please remember if you have not previously been snowboarding this is not the day to start! Lift ticket $12.00, ski rental and lift ticket $24.00, Snowboard rental $35.00
  • If you are missing coats or backpacks from your locker please come to the office before or after school, or during lunch.
  • 2H Tuesday’s from 2:30 until 3:30pm in Mr. Laughner’s Room #309 and on Thursday’s in Ms. Meyers Room #113
  • Popcorn on sale Thursday’s for $1 or add cheese for $1.25

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