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Jan 13 Announcements

Seniors, make sure you have submitted your pictures for the SENIOR SLIDE SHOW!!!  If you don’t submit photos, they can’t be included!!  Your photos are due by this FRIDAY 16!!!  DON’T MISS OUT!!
Students!  Do you plan to finish your 6th hour exam early?  Instead of being bored, sign up to donate blood!  NHS will be holding a BLOOD DRIVE this Friday the 16th.  It will begin at 2:00pm and end at 7pm and will be located in the MEDIA CENTER.  There is a sign-up sheet in the main office – If you come after school, bring your parents to donate too!
If you are a new donor, you must fill out a green form. (16 year olds need a parent signature).  You may either return the green sheets to the bin in the office or bring them the day of the drive.  We are hoping to collect 30 pints – please consider donating to help to save lives!!
There will be a Segment I driver education course offered at Bullock Creek High School beginning February 17.  There will also be a Segment II driver education beginning March 2.  Check out kingoftheroaddrivingschool.com for registration and details.


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