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Feb 3 Announcements

Attention Juniors!  There is a very important Parent Meeting on Thursday, February 5 at 7:00pm in the Auditorium.  This is a great opportunity for you and your parent to learn about class options for senior year, information about colleges and technical schools, scholarships and the MME.  If you are considering any off-campus programs you are required to attend this meeting with your parent.

Sophomores, you and your parents have a meeting on Thursday, February 5 at 6:00pm in the Auditorium.  In additional to graduation requirements and class options for junior year, we will be sharing information about Bullock Creek’s new Early College Program.  If you are interested in this program or any other off-campus program, you are required to attend this meeting with your parent.  We will have a separate Parent Meeting on February 11 at 6:00pm in the Distance Learning Room that will go into the specifics of BC Early College Program.

If you are interested in being a tour guide for the freshman orientation this Wednesday afternoon, please see Mrs. Bickel in the counseling center.
Students– Auditions for BCHS Theater’s spring play “Fools” will be this Thursday, February 5th, in the distance learning lab from 3-5pm.  No experience required! Plan to stay the whole time.  If you have any question see Mr. Church in room 5B after school, or look for one of the posters in the hallway.  We hope to see you there!

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