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Today at BCMS

  • Congratulations to the team of Ali Baldwin, Kailtlyn Challener, Eli Tisdale and Lane Gauthier for their 3rd place win at the Snow Sculpture contest on Friday! Also, nice work to the other teams that competed for all of your hard work!
  • 7th Grade Boys Basketball had an exciting game last night against Swan Valley.  Great team spirit and they played awesome!  B team won 30-20 and A team won 43-35.   8th grade played well against Swan Valley.  Come support our teams they play again on Wednesday against Ovid Elsie, 8th home and 7th grade at Ovid Elsie.
  • Attention ALL 7th & 8th Grade Students: Your State Mandated EDP (Educational Development Plan) MUST be returned signed by your parents by Friday, February 13 for 7th grade. 8th graders it should have already been turned in. Please return to Mr. Wauldron ASAP.
  • Attention 8th grade students and parents: Each student has been given a course request sheet for scheduling high school classes. These request sheets are due back to the middle school by February 13th. These sheets also need a parent signature. They can be turned into Mrs. Fermoyle or any of your 8th grade teachers. High school counselors will be in the middle school on February 19th to input course selections into the computer. It is imperative that these sheets be signed and turned in by Friday, February 13th. Mrs. Fermoyle has extra copies should you need one.
  • Dance on Thursday, Feb. 12th from 2:30-4PM. Cost $3 and Refreshments sold in the Cafeteria. Please remember only MS students may attend and all dress code and handbook guidelines apply.   Lancer Locker will be selling merchandise in the Care Center during the dance.
  • Building Trades Fundraiser Event on Thursday, Feb 12th from 6-8 PM at the Great Hall. For more information stop by the office.
  • Robotics will meet after school on Tuesdays.
  • 2H Tuesday’s from 2:30 until 3:30pm in Mr. Laughner’s Room #309 and on Thursday’s in Ms. Meyers Room #113
  • Popcorn on sale Thursday’s for $1 or add cheese for $1.25

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