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Feb 10 Announcements

Seniors, Dow High is hosting a free Financial Aid Workshop TONIGHT at 6:00pm.  You can RSVP by calling 923.5402.
Listen up students…your schedule request sheets are due by 3:00pm on Thursday, February 12 to the Counseling Center.  Also, if you are planning to participate in any off-campus opportunity, all of the required paperwork must be turned in by this Thursday.
Flowers will be sold tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday during lunches for $1.  Plan to bring your money ~ to buy your honey ~ flowers!
Do you have a special sweetie?  How about sending a warm fuzzy to a friend and make their day?  Valentine conversation hearts are on sale during lunch hours through this Thursday, February 12th.  They will be delivered on Friday, February 13th.  Just 50 cents a box!  Share the Valentine spirit throughout the school!
Bullock Creek High School will be implementing an Early College Program in the fall.  Current sophomores will be the first class of students eligible to apply for this new program.  If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, please encourage your parent or guardian to attend an informational meeting TOMORROW at 6:00pm in the Distance Learning Room. 
Attention ALL Spring Athletes:  The spring sports meeting will be Thursday, February 19th.  You must be signed up to be able to attend.  The sign up sheets are currently on Mrs. Huntoon’s desk in the office.
Spirit Days!
Tomorrow is “Color Day!”  Freshmen will be wearing RED, Sophomores will wear WHITE, Juniors will wear PINK and Seniors will be clad in BLACK!  Teachers…You wear whichever color you want!!!
    Thursday is “Dress to Impress Day!”  Impress that special someone with some great duds!
Friday will be “Flannel Friday!”  This is pretty self explanatory!
Show your Lancer spirit and dress for spirit days!
Remember dance goers… If you are planning to bring a guest who is NOT a BCHS student, you MUST complete a guest form.  Pick one up in the main office.

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