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BCEL News and Notes 9-9-11

Hello BCEL Parents!

We had a great first week of school!  You certainly have sent us some
fantastic kids!

Here are a few Notes from this last week:

1- Please see the attached note regarding bus passes and end of the day pick
up.  This note did home with the students this week. Bus Passes 2011

2- BCHS Homecoming is Sept. 30th.  You will receive more information
regarding this event in the coming week,

3- Picture day is Oct 5th.

4- If you send lunch money in with your child, please put your child’s name
and the teacher’s name on the envelope.

Thank you and enjoy your weekend!

Vicki Mikusko
Bullock Creek Elementary

Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=906