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March 17 Announcements

Hey Student Council people, listen up!  There are several committee meetings this week.  Be sure you know what committee you are on so you don’t receive any more points!
There will be a FUND-RAISING committee meeting TODAY after school in Mrs. DuBois’s room.
There will be a STUDENT RELATIONS committee meeting on Wednesday after school in Mrs. Syring’s room.
There will be an ASSEMBLY committee meeting on Thursday after school in the library.
Walk for Warmth is THIS Saturday March 21!  Keep getting your pledges and watch your mailboxes for details!
Students – Sign up for Friday’s BLOOD DRIVE while there are still a few times available! Sign up sheets are in the main office.  First time donor? Pick up a “New Donor Sheet” in the main office.
Tomorrow is the last day our Robotics team will be collecting donations for  AARON’S GIFTS FROM HOME. Please donate generously to this great cause! The 6th hour class with the most donations will win an ice cream party!
Spring break is on the way.  Don’t delay… get your lunch account taken care of before you head out for fun in the sun.  With hugs from the kitchen.


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