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March 19 Announcements

     Listen up all StuCo members!  There will be an ASSEMBLY committee meeting TODAY after school in the library.   If you are on the Dance committee, there will be a meeting TOMORROW after school in Mrs. DuBois’s room–that’s 7B!  Come prepared to share ideas and be involved!  Walk for Warmth is THIS Saturday, March 21!  Keep getting your pledges and watch your mailboxes for details!
     Attention ALL students – There are public events at the high school this weekend so you are strongly urged to make sure your locker is totally secure before leaving school tomorrow.
     Michigan Tech will be visiting on Tuesday, March 24th, at 8:30 am.  Please sign up in the Counseling Center to attend this meeting.
     Who wouldn’t love a $50 gas card right before Spring Break? Seniors, there is still time to put your name in the drawing for a gas card.  Stop by and show Mrs. Brown your FAFSA completion email before March 27.
     Students interested in taking an AP Exam need to register in the Counseling Center by March 25.
     CMU is hosting a Leadership Camp for juniors and seniors considering attending CMU for their future.  Check out this three-day camp opportunity at www.cmich.edu/LCamp.
     Lake Superior State University is hosting several summer camp opportunities.  Edventure Camp is a week-long hands-on learning experience in a particular field such as ecology, geology, creative writing, video game design, and many more.  Check out their website at www.lssu.edu/edventure for more information.
     Reminder for all Girls’ Basketball players –  your end of the season banquet is Sunday at 4:30 in the HS Cafeteria.  Make sure if you have any remaining jerseys or combination locks that were issued during basketball season to get them turned in to Mr. Freeland.
     Seniors, before you go on Spring Break, check out the newly updated list of scholarships.  There are still many opportunities to earn some scholarship money.
     There will be a Segment 1 driver education class starting April 07, the day we come back to school after spring break!   A Segment 2 class will begin April 20.  Both classes will be held at the high school.  Check out kingoftheroaddrivingschool.com for details and registration.
     Hey Lancers!  Have you ever heard people talking negatively towards others or thought negatively about yourself?  Well, that’s all about to change!! Operation Beautiful Week is about letting everyone know that they’re beautiful–each and every person!  We will be having a spirit week from Monday March 23 through Friday March 27.
Monday is Mix-match Day–mix match your shoes, your socks, your patterns, whatever!
Tuesday is Sunshine Day–wear yellow and make the school bright!
Wednesday is Super Hero Day–be a famous superhero or create your own–school appropriate, of course!
Thursday is College Apparel Day–wear your favorite team colors!
Last but not least is Floral Friday–wear anything flowery or Hawaiian!   Have a super day, Bullock Creek, and remember:  YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!

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