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March 25 Announcements

Hey Lancers!  Get in the spirit by dressing up during our Operation Beautiful Week.  This week is about letting EVERYONE know THEY are beautiful!!
Tomorrow  is College Apparel Day–wear your favorite team colors!
Friday is Floral Friday–wear anything flowery or Hawaiian!
Listen up students!
Lost & Found items will be in the cafeteria Thursday and Friday of this week.  Please claim your items by Friday as they may be thrown away over break.
And… ALL edible, drinkable, rot-able, and potentially stinky items MUST be removed from lockers – both hallway and gym lockers – before you leave for spring break!
Is your lunch account paid?  Before you leave for fun in the sun… Get it done!

Permanent link to this article: http://www2.bcreek.k12.mi.us/?p=9274