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BCHS Reality Store 2015 a continued success

Bullock Creek High School – Reality Store – 2015

 Bullock Creek High School, in conjunction with the Midland Area Chamber of Commerce, Dow Corning, and CBM Services, had joined forces to bring the Reality Store to our 11th graders here at Bullock Creek The Reality Store was developed to help teens start thinking about their future, what financial resources they’ll need for their desired lifestyle, and the role education plays in enabling them to achieve their personal and professional goals.

In the Reality Store, students envision what their lives will be like when they’re in their mid-20’s … what jobs they’ll have, if they are single or married, etc. They were given a “checkbook” with a deposit equal to one month’s salary in their chosen field. Students then visited stations manned by local community members, at which they pay their monthly bills. At each of the 17 stations, students made decisions concerning the standard of living they assumed. The following are the list of stations:


  • Family (martial status and number of kids)
  • Bank (salary is determined based on career and then will pay taxes)
  • Housing (choose housing from several options)
  • Utilities (deduct monthly telephone, electric, gas, and water bills)
  • Transportation (choose from different vehicles in various price ranges)
  • Food (choose from low budget, medium budget and gourmet foods)
  • Child care (pay for child care without outside help)
  • Insurance (home, auto, life and health)
  • Clothing
  • Reality check (choose a life surprise and deal with the problem)
  • Medical/dental ( real-life situations you will have to cope with)
  • Personal care (choices regarding personal hygiene, makeup and hair)
  • Savings/investment (Planning for the future)
  • Travel and entertainment (Choices are offered for those who have money in their checkbook)
  • Credit Card
  • Cell Phone
  • You Decide Reality Check

(The students will record and deduct costs in these areas)


As they went from station to station in the store, they began to see reality take shape.


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