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May 1 Announcements

Teachers:  Please release JV Softball, JV Baseball, and track athletes today at 2:00.  Only those track participants listed in your email should be released.


All football players participating in the fundraiser need to come to the auxiliary gym on Saturday at 1:45 pm to turn in fundraising cards and money.  If you have any questions, contact Coach Miller.


Seniors, now is your time to brag about your accomplishments.  If you have been notified that you are the recipient of a scholarship, please let Mrs. Brown know so that she can share your news at our Awards Night.


Mid-Michigan Community College will be visiting Tuesday, May 5th, at 1:30.  Please sign up in the Counseling Center if you are interested.


ATTENTION All National Honor Society members:  Cookie Dough delivery is on Tuesday, May 5th at the end of the day in the Main gym.  If you are in a sporting event, be sure you make arrangements to have someone pick it up.  Any questions/concerns, please see Mrs. Landon or Ms. Rubingh.


On Wednesday, May 6th we will be holding our annual No Detention Convention breakfast. This is for students who have not received a referral, warning, detention time, or suspension during the school year. The breakfast will take place during first hour and students will be released by way of announcement. A list of eligible students will be posted outside of the main office. If you have questions regarding the list, please see Mr. Tomko.


Seniors…The almighty dollar will be more important than ever as you move from high school life into the big world.  One of the largest industries hiring college age people is the restaurant industry and most of these establishments serve alcohol.  To make you more marketable in the restaurant industry, employers want to hire people who are trained in responsible alcohol service.  The Legacy Center will be providing training in responsible alcohol service here at Bullock Creek for seniors.  For more information see Mrs. Brown.

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