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May 12 Announcements

The golf match for today has been cancelled and rescheduled for Thursday, May 14 @ 1:30.

Teachers – please release the boys and girls track teams, Varsity baseball and Varsity softball teams TODAY at 2:25.

Attention any girls interested in trying out for volleyball next fall:  There will be volleyball workouts available to you in the auxiliary gym every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00 – 4:00 until the end of the school year.

There will be a Fall Sports meeting this Thursday, May 14The sign up sheets will be in the cafeteria during both lunches.  You MUST be signed up by the end of the day TOMORROW to attend these meetings!

Attention Junior National Honor Society members:  There is a meeting this Thursday, May 14th, in the Distance Learning Lab at 2:50.

Attention Senior National Honor Society members:  Your stole information for graduation is due to Ms. Rubingh by this Thursday. Please take care of this as soon as possible!!

Hey YOU!  Do you want to be involved in making a change in your school?  Do you want to take part in planning homecoming, assemblies and school dances?  If so, pick up a student council election packet from Mrs. DuBois
or Mrs. Syring today!  Don’t wait!  The packets are due this Friday, May 15 
–no excuses accepted!
Attention junior class officers & reps:  PLEASE CHECK YOUR MAILBOX!
There will be no popcorn sales during lunch this Thursday, May 14.  However, popcorn will be sold FRIDAY, May 15!  🙂
Here are the results of this weeks MITES competition. Most of the projects are moving onto State competition this week at the SVSU Ryder Center. Two of which also won a divisional award – Kelsey Ostyn for woodworking (table) and Brandon Erikson for open (re-curve bow)!
1st place awards to:  Hunter Buckey-bow; Alexx Delzer-game board; Brandon Erikson-bow; Tyler Evans-couch; Kelsey Ostyn-table; Jeff Pinet-table; Jacob Pyles-bowl
2nd place awards to:  Alexx Delxer-kitchen island; Alexx Delzer- cnc sign; Clayton Diamond-table; Trae Duby-pistol grips; Nick Fisher-bench; Kyle Pratt-bow
3rd places to:  Jerry Brown-pistol grips; Jill Jones-bed; Matt Longuski-bow
Brynn Barringer received a 4th place award-table and Sabrina Torres received a 6th place ward-table.  Congratulations everyone!  Great job!!!

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