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June 2 Announcements

  • Thank you to all who’ve returned their overdue books to the library.  There are a few still out so please get them in or see Mrs. Kalina.
  • All Juniors Co-oping next year, those who have been placed and those who are still interviewing, should see Mrs. Flaminio before you leave.  She has important information to give you.
  • Attention female athletes: Please turn in your locks to Mrs. Huntoon in the main office as soon as possible.
  • Thank you to all that have stepped up to pay your lunch accounts, but we still have a number of unpaid accounts.  Please make the effort to get these taken care of before Friday.
  • EXAMS:  Tomorrow — 3rd and 5th hour exams.  Thursday — 4th and 6th hour exams.  Friday — 1st and 2nd hour exams.

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